Lost in my OWN mind

Tuesday, November 29, 2005



it is always nice to find out that your extended family does not know you and from hear say that i am doing something that i am not and write a letter to me and address it with out confirming it.....wow... i love those librals relatives they make me smile

i ask for prayers and more prayers cuz this was a day that might make one insane

God bless the minnesota justice system cuz it sucks a big one

Thursday, November 17, 2005


it sounds like a worm or a sticky gross thingy that does not have a word, but it is a sin to many

it is kinda neccessary at times but only for health but then it is not sloth it is taking care of one's self, but what if shit gotta get done?! if one is sick, over worked sick and tired of being sick and tired and has responsibilities like a job, school work and or court (ha ha) is it just and righteous to take a break or keep on truckin'?

ahhhhhhhh i am confused, frustrated, need to relieve some physical anxieties,

in summary

bloody hell my heart and soul and my head is going to explode!


one of my last papers for my english class is Catholics and Cannibals! If anyone actually reads this let me know if there are any good articles or books that could aide me with my final paper. por favor!

ARe Catholics Cannibals?

this might be my title, but man at some dinky libraries they have jack on catholics and anything that really matters;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

according to the "dude"

I have problems with relationships and getting close to anyone really, that sucks! Well not really! I guess it depends on how one looks at it, either i don't truly know myself and don't want anyone else to know myself, fear of rejection, or i don't give a rat's butt if any one knows the reall me, cuz i am afraid of feeling or of feeling something that hurts so bad ya don't want to trust anyone again. It is a sticky situation, i don't want to feel the hurt and bad feelings of one breaking my heart or the loss of a loved one, but if i chose to avoid those feelings i miss out on the good ones.

according to the dude i want to feel, but hurt from the past that it is hard, but since i came so far i actually do want to feel, everything....ah crap i hate when that happens!

Monday, November 07, 2005

school...near the end

after next semester i will have finally completed something: an associates in science degree with criminal justice focus and after another semester i will have a double associates in criminal justice and law enforcement. then on to finish my double in mathematics and pre-law....whooo ya...i might take a break after the next two semesters...maybe

the only catch or trick is, since this college is my third, i must get the counselors to make it work my way, i do not want to take BS classes, like fitness for life if i played college ball, oh yea i get to meet once a week for two credit hours and walk...you got to be kidding me....shit!

God's speed to me baby!

a late disclaimer

ok the ying yang twins, i finally listened to the entire CD, it is good except a select few, yes the CD is full of "french" words and a few songs i would not recommend to anyone but a lot of the songs are interesting....oops

Sunday, November 06, 2005

ying yang

i like the ying yang twins they have some good beats and some songs are actually enjoyable, this includes the words!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

on the go with the ferrets

has most know it is the deer opening season and all my friends including the chicas get to go shooting, but me nooooooooooo! I get to babysits my friend's all white cat with two different colored eyes that is crazy and her four ferrets that enjoy pooping all over her apartament and eating my new black boots....man do they owe me big time!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

text messaging

what really sucks is when you text one person about another person while having a conversasion with both people and you accidently text the person you are talking about the text that was suppossed to go to the other person about that person....Do you not hate when that happens? I do and just did it, i got a call...

me: Hi jeff
jeff: hey ummm.. did you just text me?
me: no why
jeff: well ah..
me: oh shit, sorry um well i didnot really think that i sent it ah...sorry
jeff: no babe it is ok, i am glad to here it
me: ok then, sorry for the late call
jeff: no problem, you have school today?
me: yes
jeff: call me after school ok babe
me: ok dokey and sorry
jeff: it was funny call me
me: bye jeff
jeff: bye babe, you are funny give a call bye

at least it was not that bad but i hate when that happens