Lost in my OWN mind

Sunday, June 26, 2005

back pains and the shakes

Yes i will vent if i please, i through-out my back at fed ex and never really had a bad back,,, i thought i would be ok...holy crap was i wrong...i even cried and had two cans of pop at work resting in between my chair and back at my morning job...a little pain lets ya know you are alive, but too much makes ya cry like a baby....

the shakes....self explanatory!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my parents neighbors go to alaska and i get to kid sit and house sit for eight days. on the first day we went garage sailing, bought stuff we will throw away in two days, went to confession, my apartament, back home to shower, church at st. agnes, then to eat, then a horse show, then got some movies, dressed in black, went out and tp'ed some of my friends when they had a party, but they came out cussin' and swingin' with bats....in the end they thought it was pretty good and funny. came home and all passed out.....oh dearee that was the first day and i wonder what the rest are going to be like....yea!!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Back to the fifty's

at the minnesotat st. fair grounds there was a huge car show and man oh man i am in love with chunks of shiny metal.....then i saw all the motorcycles and lordy and ohhhhhhhhh baby i was born to ride, so much power and umfph in an R6 bloody hell, riding and adoration is my heaven on earth. oh yes and eating a big steak from montana with my carebear


and quiet and good books and a big body of water and some flippers and a jump rope and a smile on my face....wouln't that be nice but please noooooo rice

Friday, June 17, 2005

good deed

i did my good deed for the day, some guy older than i, middle 40's could start his car this morning. my co-workers and i tried to jump it, it did turn over but didn't start... so i said take my car...he starred at me and said that i didn't know him, my reply was short and simple, i said that is ok my dad used to work for the troopers, we will burn you if you don't return it, he laughed easily, surprisingly and took the car and returned it two hours later with four vip passes to life time fittness, and a grip for gas money...cool... people at work thought i was crazy, but damn i didn't care, he seemed genuine and needed some assistance....i patted my self on the back, made some money, drank some beer inbetween shifts and might go to the GK chesterston conference tonight... first meat

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


this, my first quotation i found in a weird book, i a weird library in st. paul:

"men with beards,
make everyone feel
queer! damnit all, drink good beer
and stay clear from all men with
beards. Don't forget those who are not
of the superior race with beards, they should just be shot!"

weird uh??!

"Where sin abounded, grace did more abound."

and the last, no matter what anyone thinks, says or whatever, this is a damn good quoatation

"We ride together. We die together. Bad Boys for life."

ohhhh cuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttte

rollin' around or at least tryin to

i rollarbladed to my folks house from mine for two purposes: food and fast internet access. i must have had a blonde moment because the majority of the roads and bike trails where all rocks, sand and little branches that loved to climb in my little wheels. I didn't fall...yet, but i got a work out...and of course food and the lovely fast internet service...cool!

the archbishop flynn

early this morning my buddy, jordan, received a widdle special ordiance at a mass at the archbishop's residence, i got to go and it was beautiful. (everyone should respect there elders, and especially men of the cloth, but me and my big mouth)....don't worry i was respectful but mocked, well not mocked but something close to it, when he, archbishop flynn, was thinking, before he ended our breakfeast, on what to say to jordan and his guests and i said something rather loud, but i am not going to tell...but he laughed and shook my hand bloody hard and gave me this look.....can't explain the look, but man, i needed a smoke after it.

to respect or not to respect?!
there is always a fine line
anybody, anybody that still can breathe
an ounce, an ounce of common sense
could figure it out....i hate idiots

i plead the fifth;)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Request from the four people that read my blog and straglers

mr. jordan bauer!

i went to highschool with him and he went into the seminary! now he was selected out of many to study and/or finish his journey to priesthood in Rome for the next four years of his life. A few years ago his father died, he and his brother, the two eldest are both in the seminary, his only sister out six, wait seven is getting married this weekend and his mother is an angel. any spare prayers lying around through them his way, as well his family.

miss lindsay kracht (officer from westpoint)

she was a track star, number one in our class, she is my best friend, she just graduated from west point, third in her family, she is so bloody small, it is beautiful, but she soon will be sent over to Korea, not a good place right now. she also has a big familia and her soul is like a garden of roses. spare the prayers for this bright soul.

thank children of the corn

crazy man

rent is going up for me after july over one hundred a fifty, that is part of my rocket payments, i will get by and i think my roomie has serious mental problems as well a text messaging maniac. i have to get 300 morre text messages on my plan because of her... there is nothing like car pooling to work, one person, who pleads the fifts, not hungover but still working on buzz, the second crazy off coffee, extremely dangerous while driving. ya laugh, things fly out one's nose. and then the embarrassing part at work, everyone dressed nice and someone needed to take the day after drinking bathroom break,,,,need i say more...sorry sis!


Holy crapper, anyone and everyone go to PORTIA's site, i haven't laughed so hard in a long time. a toast to PORTIA and her husband for marrying such a fine woman and to PROFESSOR POOPIE PANTS (click on fun)

Sunday, June 12, 2005


oh yes the weekend was extremely sad cuz we burried my uncle David and wonderful soul, but i got to see family i haven't seen, eat a lot of food, chill with my parents and they bought me more food.

me amore es mi familia!

i mix italian with spanish = italish

that is hot

it was the best of times and the worst of times

wow, why didnt any one think of using my title before it sounds so good!!!

ok my friend fell off the wagon and i had to babysit her all night long...goodness it was not fun, but some of the stuff i told her to do in bars was hilarious, she was my puppet through alcohol..sad, but funny, sorta. this morning then the both of us reaking of alcohol her because it was seeping through her pores, me cuz she spilt two drinks on me, but we went shopping and the entire time, cuz we were tired, we laughed and yes snorted. We bought some nice rollarblades and my friend flirted HARDCORE with the fifteen year olds, ten years younger than her and they gave us a 30 % discount,,,awesome. then we went to K-fart and i stepped on gum and my pop exploded in my bag on to every thing, but the chocolate was safe. we picked up my roomie, smalls, and ate at jimmy's. we raised hell and got the entire bar to scream. then we went rollarblading, smalls fell and a car almost hit her. crazy man, next i forced amy to jump in teh pool, even though we couldn't, hopefully it wasn't shocked this morning, oops! we all showered, went to smalls' sister grad party and watched her little cousins run into people and jump on them, and then.....drum roll please.... i took two heathen girls to the Cathedral. it was awesome, i showed em around, the only bad part is on of them started talking on the phone and i smaked her. we then we into down town, got some food, of course laughed our booties off and i left a note for the server, this is what it said,

"hey, yea it's for horses, but call me sometime (not a cab though)
allie and my number
ps i love you long time baby and do you come here often?"

i know i am a dork and so are my friends, now i go home and my buddy is going to give me a motorcycle ride. oh yippeeeeeee

Friday, June 10, 2005


some peoples kids!

in my new apartment building the little brats, i mean kids love playing two inches from our window, yesterday i was grumpy and came out of the building with buckets of water and started a massive water fight with kids not even half my size. their parents, that actually watched their children, looked at me and said get em good. for an hour or so it was awesome until they all ganged up on me! then i got the pool lady to allow us all to jump in the pool before she shocked it and we raised some hell...yee haw.

many hours later when my roommates and i are sitting outside enjoying a beer and a smoke, i thought it started raining, but noooooooooooo, two little brats, i mean kids, attacked me in my dry clothes and i got a lot of glass in my feet running away...this is going to be a fun, busy and long summer!

blah blah blah

I am over at my folks house and the youngest willie has a massive mirgraine, i tired to rub is neck but now he is sleeping with a class of water in his hands and in so much pain...poor guy!

por que a mi! the lord gives you only what you can handle, but what about those days you aren't strong? St. Joseph pray for person x, you know who i am talking about!

tomorrow the funeral, tonight softball and a couple of cold beers.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

trouble on the home front, and i didn't read it over

the new home front...
so yea my roommate and her boyfriend, who is over at the apartament all the time, get in fights, lover spats, however one wants to put it, but they do this all the time, cuz they spend too much time together.

i will paint the picture.

roomie=22, 5'1, rude(not all the time, i mean no manners)
boyfriend=19, 5'7, wants to chill with the boys and she wines if he doesn't tell her

problem: communication, there is none and he is over all the bloody time

conversation they once had:

roomie= r
boyfriend= bf

bf are you mad or something?
r no
bf are you sure?
r she only nods
bf ok, well i am going over to zach hou....
r why didn't you tell me you were staying out last night
bf uh?
r whatever?
bf so you are mad, then, at me?
r nope
bf what the hell?, when you are mad you don't tell me and when i ask you if you are mad when
you aren't really mad, you get mad. what am i doing wrong?
r ask when i am mad, i will tell you?
bf are you mad now?
r yes, well disappointed

at this point voices are raising i get up and go to the kitchen, "r" runs to her room, bf says some pretty nasty stuff and then they start talking....what is running through my head....

one(thinking of the couple): shut up both of you sit down, "r" talk to the man you 'supposedly" love.... "bf" low blow you bastard, be demanding for boys nights and quit being a little girl, that actually goes for the both of you

two: man i am going to be a spinster

three: i need a beer and a loud tv and some smokes....oh wait i got em all

six beers later and 10smokes, some prank calls

i come out see "r"

me: where is bf
r: when over to his buddy's
me: you ok
r: no
me: wanna hug
r: she sniffels, no
me: ok get ready and put some shoes on, i am taking you somewhere
r: no
ME: NOW DAMIT, i am twice as big and can whoop you
r: ok, give me ten
Me: five
r: ok you ass hole

later that night myslef, "r" and a couple other girlfriends of ours, are playing pool, having fun, the good old fashion way, i steel a hanicap sign which is still in my trunk, gotta get that out, "r" has a damn good time.....i asked her why she just sits at home, no money was the answer, but we now have a girls night only, boys druel...then i asked her how long they dated, expecting not much time;;;;;; a year and a half, they can't communicate and are in love, love each other and like each other...bloody hell

oh yes, my roommates do not know or have ever heard of DANTE,,,, what the heck! i need some intelligence around me, besides books and my carebear...bloody hell


First off, i do apologize if i spelt that wrong meaning my title, nevermind, it is my blog and i will do want i want with it, when i want and how i want...pweh...got that out of my system

Orientation: Fed Ex
purpose of hard manual job: money and muscles. m&m baby
why there?: well besides the reason above this answer, i get tuition money...one dalla$$ every hour, benefits and i can boss people around, nicely though;)
Bad thing about orientaion: boring, paper work and oops i fell asleep, only to wake from a shake with druel on my shirt and everyone in the room staring...good start good start, bad timing baby

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

fake and bakin'

my little brother, with his locks of love and perfect skinny little body, fakes and bakes, (for those who are not 'barbie girls [or boys] who live in a material world, it means he goes and tans in a tanning bed.) I am calling his little small ass out, what is he thinking: he wants to be dark! Really Dark, so dark that i think he lived in the city too long. I am not predjudice or raciest, i do discriminate (sometimes), but my brother is white, blanco, he should be proud to be a honky! He is cute though, ahem... from a sister's point of view!

well i am off to tan!

am i serious or not?!? hmmmmmm!

Ode to my only female sibling

Title: the slap pincher

Friend, sister, wisconsinite
why do you mock me so?!
i know i don't write
i know i cuss and bite
i know i smoke and drink,
even in the daylight, but
part of my heart is stabbed,
don't worry,
just a little blow!
you erased my words of love!
on a blog in such timing that
i could not show...
how wise, silly, loveable,
definetely squeezable you "is?"
why puck why?
Don't you love me so,
with my frame built, not to sew
and my nose,
should i stick it in a hole?
I don't want your pity
or a chevy truck...oh oh oh!!!
but only for you to know, that

you my sister from the same mother' yo.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


wow, blogging is amazing, no email, no phone, no damn text messages and you read about crap, babbling, poems, life occurances and then you oddly enough, about spiders, doing the dishes, a love pig, drunk or not or hell even drinking, and can't forget about the grocery store and a sleeping husband..........cool beans. sorry i am just realizing this now, i am a JOCK JAMS CHICA

oh yes, i closed the deal with Fed Ex, yes i work for Fed Ex now. bigger muscles, sore back, late nights, but they are going to allow me to continue with my pool league, fo sheezie...my manager though, is at least if not more a good foot shorter than me, wants to get a harley and reminds me of carlton from the fresh prince of Bellaire, but blacker skin...what a summer this will be...i am still white though!

i love all the colors i have available ... wow

a lady by the last name of POWERS, which suits her especially during finals and when she drinks, said to me at Chim's wedding while i was playing with byrne's empty seat and some forks, "easily amuzed is a sign of INTELLIGECE." HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!

May the souls of the faithful departed...

through the mercy of God, REST IN PEACE! So be it. A lovely man by the name of David past away this morning and his family two days ago, said the Divine Mercy Champlet around his shivering body at 3pm, beautiful!

To all those who came before, that are, that will be, may God have mercy on "thee."

Monday, June 06, 2005

por que a ti?!

ok sis, when you read this be nice i had a rough night last night! my "friend" calls me, cries to me for three hours, can't stop her, she doesn't speak, cause she can't. at the end of the good cry she still sobs, breathes hard, coughs a lot and says she is surrounded my thousands of people, she can get any job, make so many friends or aquintances
("Whatever the hell you want to label them as!")
go anywhere and people know her or of her, but she says she is the lonliest person in the world, she can't stand her self and wants her ferrets to talk back to her...uh?!...i don't pity her, but i prayed a lot for her.

i need to get the internet at my new place, nicely decorated and simple....hoooooooooooooya

oh yes prayers for a man named David in Minnsota