Lost in my OWN mind

Monday, April 26, 2010

Discipline Again

Goodness self motivation can be a challenge unless you just do.

Self motivation while one has two bad legs and must mostly sit still...hard but just do but much slower and still one must do.

Then the kicker... Damn television while working on one's ass for so many weeks and supposed to be moving slowly... you don't want to move...one forgets to eat, and all motivation goes out the window. To have a good friend, whether romantically, whether platonic seems to be missing!

Some one's who has a conscience and is aware of what they say and do, when they make a mistake...and yes whether tipsy or not.

Surrounded by older adults acting like damn fools and blind from old power older ideals.

What outlet do i have? Used to be writing and exercises but it is hard to get back into this when I have but the man upstairs who is not getting that much attention from me and just want a companion a true friend....I must reconnect with those who do care ...bullshit aside!

Auyedame! Just going to try to type, write and work the core...lol inside joke!