Christmas Surprises

My father surprised the entire family with My sister, brother-in-law, and niece from Florida, then my brother-in-law's mother, and the youngest from San Diego came in town as well. Our family has not all been together for at least three or four years! It was nice, no fights ;)lots of laughs and of course FOOD!
the surprise...
my father is a bit of a jokster, actually that is an understatement, but the best was when he picked Chiara, Shane and Bothilde from the airport, and when at home, yelled at my mom, asking for helping with something, mom came downstairs and chiara, shane and baby went upstairs to my mother's room, put Bothilde in the middle of mom's bed and hid behind the bed...My mom got "frustrated" with dad obviously he really did not need help, and went back upstairs opened her door and saw her first grandchild in the middle of her bed...Screamed, cried, hugged and yelled at dad, but in a good way...They got me, Tony, and willy....Dad's time is coming...We will get that guy...But anyway: Great Christmas, happy, a little snow:(