Lost in my OWN mind

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Writing and Spiritual Life





Disclaimer to myself: The more you write the better! Vent baby vent, Soon I will be poetic, flow like a rapper not really, and yada yada...as for now...I don't care...


Kiss my



  • dude. i saw your name on the guest list for claire and keeler's wedding... and then i never saw you. how are you? bet you never thought i'd spin back through to check out this blog after more than a year :)

    i miss you!

    By Anonymous Rayna, At 11 November, 2009 12:12  

  • I know i am bad with this.

    this is like my journal that no one reads but you once a year~! lol

    I am ok with this but instead of ranting over paper i do it on here.

    Missed the wedding as you already know...feel bad but Claire forgives me she said. I miss all of you guys!

    Well Ciao for now lady!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 21 January, 2010 18:45  

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