Lost in my OWN mind

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Vacation...please please please please

Just there a few days ago....when I was sleeping soundly a few days ago...damn!

Hopefully soon, April 2nd i will be in Montana with John...I must do a few things at work and sway the decision...badtiming i guess...which seems to happen a lot.

Five great things about Montana

1. Family and Friends
2. Simply Beautiful Land
3. Simplicity and Peace of Mind
4. Horsies... great therapy
5. Mountains...shit it is MONTANA

Honestly when I lived there, I had more peace of mind than I ever have had, not too many temptations and it...it was just beautiful and friggin' relaxing...bloody hell yes!!!!!


  • Hey cousin? How are you? You'll be visiting my dad right? Have a great trip. We'll be moving back to Missoula this September. Take care and we'll talk to you later!

    Eric Schoen Family

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 25 March, 2007 18:35  

  • Hi Eric,

    Yes i got to see your dad and mom, amanda, ian, their little fluffy dog, and aimee!

    I heard you will be returing to Montana that is awesome!!

    Saw some pictures of your newest edition...sweet baby!!!



    By Blogger Badtiming, At 11 April, 2007 15:30  

  • your still alive! i have a confession to make - I quit checking your blog because you hadn't posted anything since the christmas surprise. so dont flake out on your posting, cause this is the only way that i have any idea what is going on with you! hope you had a great trip home.

    By Blogger LMO, At 14 April, 2007 20:54  

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