Sleep deprived and that teleeeee
Well Well I am not sleep deprived, it is that damn television. I will turn on that black box and watch television and then three hours later, can't move. I think this may be a problem. I sometimes work late, but I need some unwind time. Working out keeps me awake, yoga helps a wee bit and natural relaxing stuff from the vitamin shop. My work starts late and man, oh man do I take my time. It may be necessary to get a personal assistant. Just to wake me up...
On the other side of the story I love Rollerblades and they love me...great fun fun! Sweet!
On the other side of the story I love Rollerblades and they love me...great fun fun! Sweet!
boo! alive?
28 July, 2007 23:38
hell yes.. married to my job, workin everyday...even on my days off...doing well...just got a new car, getting back with school in fall... moving along...staying the "h" out of trouble, i am off paper in august, get an ankel brace for about twenty days in oct. and done baby run ons too ;)
Badtiming, At
31 July, 2007 23:08
Hey!! You and your family/friends weren't apart of that whole bridge disaster, were you..?? I've been praying just in case... I was worried.
mags, At
02 August, 2007 17:04
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