Lost in my OWN mind

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

the inner demon

I do not like my inner demon
i hate him so
i pray and pray for him to go away
but sometimes i do not honestly mean it,
This scares me though
Tears come when good surrounds me
and worthy am i, not
i run and play away from good,
the true good that is meant as food
for my mind and soul.

This is strong and makes me kringe
what i used like and what i need
to what is right and what should be my creed
Is gone or
at least seems lost to me.
I do not like my inner demon
I justly hate him so
why can't he be erased?
straight, i cannot think with him near my soul
In your Name oh Lord
Kill him that makes me ill.
my mind is poisoned ever much,
that i fear to think
i fear to be alone,
the dark
and not only do not i feel but
but fear to feel!
To hell with you, my inner demon
Just let me go.



  • The sacraments= the life of GOD within you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 05 April, 2006 07:21  

  • answers i already know! but a reminder is always helpful and hopeful. sometimes i forget, well not forget but i become a little cloudy my area of faith...thank you!

    By Blogger Badtiming, At 05 April, 2006 13:21  

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