"Long for me, as I long for you."
Is it as simple as that? What if one does long for Him and somewhere inside his/her mind or heart, it is not truly meant. What if one says "I love you" to Him, even screams it and wishes and prays for that it is true, yet something is holding this person back, from honestly and truly meaning what he/she said?!
shit, i guess more prayers from that person and more prayers for that person!
Asking the question, "Do I really love Him?" makes you turn and say, "Now, did i really mean THAT?" Etc. ad nauseam. This is a tactic of the devil that constantly tries to make us look inward at ourselves. Rather, what we ought to do is always look to Our Lord for everything, and therefore a more fitting question to ask would be "Is Christ trustworthy?" And don't fear that you're not trusting Him. The desire to please Him, does in fact please Him very much.
Love, Bridget
Anonymous, At
16 June, 2006 11:39
thanks man! how are you?! i am in wisconsin helping my sister pack up the moving truck for florida! now i am going to hang out with maggie and matt gordan...it is always nice to catch up....i need to call ya..ciao
Badtiming, At
14 July, 2006 19:06
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